
Software Development

  • Category: Software Development
  • Tools: Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Github, Azure
  • Languages: C#, C/C++, Python, PHP, Javascript, HTML/CSS
  • Platforms: Windows, Linux
  • Technologies: .Net, ASP.Net, Angular, React, SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MS Access, Git, Azure, Apache, Ngnix, Docker, SFTP, SSH, RDP

Software Engineering for Desktop Systems & Web Applications.

My flagship application is Complimentary Health Manager. This software is a Client Management System developed for as a means to keep track of client information and treatment sessions within the clinic.

Complimentary Health Manager was originally developed in Borland Delphi utilising a Microsoft Access Database backend. Complimentary Health Manager remains a Windows Desktop Application, the first release was compiled on Windows 98 while the current release was compiled on Windows 11.

Upon the release of C# I ported Complimentary Health Manager to Visual C# 1.0 while remaining with the Microsoft JET OLEDB MDB connection for the backend database.

Over the lifespan of the application, the backend database is now powered by Microsoft SQL Server running in-house on a Microsoft Windows Server system.

Along with Complimentary Health Manager for Windows Desktop, I have programmed various applications including this website (Powered by .Net8 running on a Linux Server) along with firmware for several embedded electronic applications from environment monitoring for a terrarium housing a Bearded Dragon to a Morse Code trainer/decoder for use with amateur readio.

Other areas of programming include writing custom plugins and themes for WordPress and Joomla using PHP, HTML/CSS and Javascript. Along with submitting code to other WordPress plugins such as Blubrry Powerpress.